Greetings, My name is Lawrence and Welcome to "The Eternal Garden" Here I will share my experience in gardening from planting the seed to harvesting seeds and everything in between ;) Gardening connects us with all the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the divine Spirit. I am here so we can all grow together and share knowledge and wisdom so we can all turn this planet green 1 by 1. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section below my posts. Enjoy the ride!!! :) With Love/Light & Gratitude
~ Lawrence

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Growing the Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia)

Name - Ghost Pepper (Bhut Jolokia)
Species - Hybrid of C. chinense and C. frutescens genes.
Scoville Rating
1,041,427 SHU

The bhut jolokia is cultivated in the Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. In 2007, Guinness World Records certified that the ghost pepper was the world's hottest chili pepper. The ghost chili was shortly superseded by the Infinity chili in 2011, followed by the Naga Viper, the Trinidad moruga scorpion in 2012, and the Carolina Reaper on August 7, 2013. The Ghost pepper is an interspecies hybrid of C. chinense and C. frutescens genes.

Ripens from green to red

I will be drying these peppers and grinding them into a pepper powder for a nice heat in future dishes and I will make infused pepper oil with garlic in future posts & more. Enjoy your peppers! ;)
~ Lawrence H.

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ૐ* OHM ૐ*

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